Thursday, February 13, 2025

20 questions with the Tiny Teapot Theatre Collective

The Tiny Teapot Theatre Collective are participants in Eastern Front Theatre's inaugural RBC Emerging Playwrights Program

Meet the members of the Tiny Teapot Theatre Collective: Emma Vickers, Briony Merritt, Abby Weisbrot and Ryan Gallant.

The fourth in our special #20Questions series, the Tiny Teapot Theatre Collective are among the participants in Eastern Front Theatre’s inaugural RBC Emerging Playwrights Program.

Their original new musical is set in a Trans-Atlantic cable station at the edge of Nova Scotia. Focusing on the experience of Atlantic Canadians during times of radical social change, the musical shines a light on the small moments so often forgotten in the aftermath. Guided by a dramaturge, an established playwright mentor, and other theatre professionals, Eastern Front Theatre (EFT) will present the Collective’s new work at a public reading at EFT’s annual Stages Theatre Festival in May 2020.

In this unique #20Questions, the Collective answers questions either as a group or individually.

20 Questions with Tiny Teapot Theatre Collective

1. Your first job.

Our first job together was at Festival Antigonish earlier this year, where we spent the summer creating, singing, dancing, and leading kids’ drama camps.

2. The job you always wanted as a child?

Emma: A marine biologist or any job that required me to dress nicely every day. I loved the movie The Devil Wears Prada and loved the idea of getting all dressed up in chic outfits for work every day.
Briony: A competitive swimmer.
An aunt – I learned very early on how babies were made.
Ryan: Hogwarts Professor.

3. Your pet peeve.


4. Your hero.

Emma Roode. Stage manager extraordinaire.

5. Your biggest indulgence.

Four-part harmonies.

6. One thing no one knows about you.

Emma: I sneeze five times every morning when I wake up.
Briony: I have a lucky silver frog named Silvester who sits on my desk.
I have a missing knuckle on my left pinky finger.
Ryan: I’ve answered this question before enough times that I’ve run out of answers

7. Three things you would want with you on a deserted island.

I think we’d do pretty well with a guitar, ukulele, and bodhran drum.

8. The one word your best friend would use to describe you.

Emma: High-pitched.
Briony: I asked and was told “wise-ass” so …
Ryan: Driven.

9. If they made a movie about your life, who would it star?

Emma: Me.
Briony: Dakota Fanning.
Ilana Glazer.
Ryan: Me, unless they have the budget to bring in Jonathan Groff.

10. Hero or villain?

Emma: Hero.
Briony: Villain. I blame the accent.
Is there a third option?
Ryan: Villain. I blame Briony’s accent.

11. Your life’s motto/mantra.

Yes, and.

12. The last book you read.

Emma: Educated by Tara Westover.
Briony: The Little Friend by Donna Tartt.
Abby: Just Jen: Thriving Through Multiple Sclerosis
by Jen Powley.
Ryan: The Raven Tower by Anne Leckie.

13. The song that is getting the most play on your Spotify playlist right now.

Emma: The entire Beetlejuice the Musical soundtrack
Briony: Far From Any Road – The Handsome Family
Abby: Get Busy –
Sean Paul (Lawrence cover)
Ryan: Canyon Moon – Harry Styles

14. If you were a cartoon character, what cartoon character would you be?

Emma: Cindy-Lou Who.
Briony: Perry the Platypus. I wish I was that stealthy.
Moana. I aspire to be as brave as she is.
Ryan: Bugs Bunny. Our use of sarcasm is similar, plus all the puns, and he’s got comedic relationships with men.

15. What will it say on your grave marker?

Screw gravestones, let’s get eco-friendly in our mushroom burial suits.

16. Who would you most like to have dinner with?

Each other. It’s a miracle getting us all in the same place.

17. Your idea of happiness.

All four of us liking the name of something on the first try.

18. What do you see yourself doing 20 years into the future?

Still creating!

19. The one thing in your life that makes you most proud.

Emma: Following my heart.
Briony: Helping children to discover a love of theatre.
Inspiring others.
Ryan: Putting family first.

20. To be or not to be?

To be.

Meet the Tiny Teapot Theatre Collective

Tiny Teapot Theatre Collective consists of Emma Vickers, Briony Merritt, Abby Weisbrot and Ryan Gallant, four emerging artists based in Atlantic Canada. After creating and performing together at Festival Antigonish this summer, they were each given one piece of a miniature tea set to take home: a mug, a sugar bowl, a creamer, and … a tiny teapot. Together, they hope to combine their passions for scriptwriting, songwriting, and performing to create productions that explore Maritime history and imagine possible futures.

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