Thursday, February 13, 2025

In search of Atlantic Canadian dance artists

Live Art Dance and Kinetic invite Atlantic Canadian dance artists to submit their work to be presented in a showcase in May 2023. 

Halifax dance presenter Live Art Dance and local contemporary dance company Kinetic have put out the call for dance artists to submit their work to be presented in a showcase of artists who live and work in Atlantic Canada.

“Our organizations are excited to collaborate and offer a platform to spotlight the innovation and talent of the Atlantic dance community,” say organizers. “We are looking for dance works that utilize contemporary dance and movement practices and are no longer than 30 minutes in length.”

According to the submission form, presenting artists will receive a presentation fee, documentation of their work, and access to local rehearsal space, pending availability. Artists who travel from outside of Halifax will also receive a contribution towards travel, accommodation, and per diem. Not a commissioning programme, Live Art Dance and Kinetic will provide presentation fees but are not able to fund the creation and development of new work.

The chosen works will be showcased in May of 2023 at the Dunn Theatre in Halifax, with the selected artists showing work on both nights as part of a mixed bill.

The deadline for submission is September 15. Visit for more information.

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