Cape Breton alt-country, folk-rock singer-songwriter Aaron MacDonald‘s new album Rights & Wrongs is available now.
You can find out more about Aaron’s music and new album online at or follow him on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Spotify.
This interview has been edited.
How do you describe your album Rights & Wrongs?
Rights & Wrongs is a country-roots record to me. Roots in country obviously, that’s where I come from, country music, but also roots in blues, rock and folk. Americana has been the latest handle placed on this type of music, I suppose.
Rights & Wrongs is also the beginning of me telling my story through songs. For the roots music fan, who likes an authentic take on real, honest storytelling, I think this record encapsulates that.
Folks seem to be really connecting personally with the songs from the messages I have been receiving. It’s been really humbling.
Why did you choose Rights & Wrongs, which is a single from the recording, as the album title?

I feel life, at least for me, is a constant battle between making the right decision and the wrong decision. Every day we are faced with that metaphorical fork in the road.
In my younger days, looking back, I feel like I made a lot more wrong decisions, but my family has helped guide me to make better choices as I get older.
My wife has stood by me and supported my music for so long; this song is an honest reflection of my relationship with the music industry and my family, especially my wife, Melanie.
Everyone is faced with these moments and decisions daily. I felt the title aptly captured that.
What was the inspiration for the album? Is there a theme?
Songs are my means of processing the world I see each day. They always have been. They are all personal remedies for my mind and soul.
I have been writing my entire adult life, and with hundreds of songs, I realized that it’s time to let people in and listen. I’m not sure if there is a central theme to the record, but I know it’s time for me to begin unveiling all these songs I have. That’s the true inspiration and continues to be. I want to leave my little mark in my corner of the world. This album is just the beginning.
What is your favourite song to perform off the album and why?
My favourite to perform right now is See The World Alive. That song has such a nice groove to it. It’s super fun to perform and sing. I get to really belt out the vocals. The saxophone solo, played by the majestic Trevor Wentzel, blows my mind every time. It’s a great song to get the audience into the show. It’s one of those songs where you can’t help but tap your foot and bop along. Plus, the message behind it all is to live life for the moment. That seems to be a common thread that appears throughout my music.
What’s next for Aaron?
Oh my. So much, it seems. We’re performing several release shows around the Maritimes throughout October, finishing them with a showcase at the Nova Scotia Music Awards. Last year’s EP, It’s Been Too Long, is up for Americana Album of the Year.
Some videos will be coming out for this Rights & Wrongs record. I am constantly recording and putting new music together for future recordings. I have a live acoustic album I’m trying to prep and get ready for.
I’ve played more live shows in the last year than I have in a long time, and we’re looking at stepping that up even more in 2023.
The future is bright. Lots of music to share!