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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cecilia Concerts kicks off International Women’s Week

The Halifax music presenter will kick off International Women's Week with a concert by violist Marina Thibeault and pianist Janelle Fung showcasing works exclusively by women composers.

Halifax music presenter Cecilia Concerts will kick off International Women’s Week with a concert by violist Marina Thibeault and pianist Janelle Fung on March 2 at the Joseph Strug Concert Hall.

The concert, held at the start of International Women’s Week, will showcase works exclusively by women composers, highlighting their diverse contributions to music.

The evening’s program will feature Dobrinka Tabakova’s Suite in Jazz, which combines classical music’s harmonic sophistication with the improvisational spirit of jazz, alongside Anna Pidgorna’s A Pärtian Meditation on an Invented Folksong.

Audiences will also experience Rebecca Clarke’s Sonata for Viola and Piano 1919 and Charlotte Bray’s Invisible Cities, inspired by Italo Calvino’s novel.

Juno Award-winning Thibeault’s dedication to performing works by both established and emerging composers, coupled with her efforts to highlight the contributions of women composers, resonates with the spirit of International Women’s Week.

The award-winning Fung’s concert career has seen her perform across Canada and internationally. Earning accolades in national and international competitions, the pianist’s work extends beyond performance to include contributions to opera.

Cecilia Concerts presents violist Marina Thibeault and pianist Janelle Fung in concert at the Joseph Strug Concert Hall (1385 Seymour St, Halifax) on March 2. Visit for tickets and information.

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